Latest News: Snow and Cold Weather Has No Effect On Corona virus

Against common myth about coronavirus, there are absolutely no facts to back up fake theory that cold and snow can kill it. Human beings have body temperature of approximately 35’C – 37’C if you want to protect yourself from getting infected then follow common hygiene practice. Wash your hands regularly with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer.
Hot Bath Does Not Prevent Disease
There is another myth that is circulating on many social media platforms, taking hot bath is not going to prevent you from getting infected. On other hand, taking hot bath during hot days can actually destroy your skin and it can burn it too. To protect yourself follow precautionary measures, wash your hands regularly, use handkerchief while coughing and sneezing and avoid public places. By practicing simple routine, you can avoid getting infected. Also, try not to touch your eyes, mouth and nose area.
Coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through goods
Although it is possible that a new virus can stay on a surface for several days depending on type of surface, but it is unlikely that it can persist. Goods manufactured in China have been moved, traveled and exposed to different conditions and temperatures. In other words, virus cannot be transmitter through goods manufactured in China, or any other country as matter of fact. In case, you think that surface of product or item is infected then it is highly recommended to use a disinfectant to clean it. Make sure to wash your hand with alcohol-based hand rub after touc Image Source World Health Organization
Coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted Through Mosquito Bites
There is no update or information nor evidence which suggests that new coronavirus can be transmitted by a bite of mosquito. One of main reasons for widespread of coronavirus is because of droplets generate when infect person cough or sneeze. You can easily protect yourself by washing your hand regularly. Try to avoid close contact with person who is in ill health.
Hand Dyer WON’T kill the new Coronavirus
It is a myth; hand dryer won’t help you kill COVI-19. Again, in case you want to protect yourself from new coronavirus is by cleaning your hand with good hand-sanitizer. Wash your hand 4-5 times a day, after coming home or office.

Image Source World Health Organization
UV Lamp WON’T Kill New Coronavirus
UV lamps are of no good when it comes to sterilizing your hand or skin area. On other hand, UV radiation can cause skin irritations.
Are Thermal Scanner Effective?
Yes, thermal scanners are designed to display variation in temperature. Using this technology, you can easily detect a person with fever or higher than normal body temperatures. Remember fever is one of common symptoms of infection. However, you cannot detect people with infection if they have not yet developed fever. It can take up to 10days before infected people become sick or develop a fear.

Image Source World Health Organization
Can We Kill Coronavirus By Using Alcohol?
Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over body will not kill coronavirus if they have already entered into your body. On other hand, spraying such substances can be harmful. Although you can use alcohol and chorine to disinfect surface. But, make sure to use it under appropriate recommendations.
Can Your Pet Spread Coronavirus?
As of now there is no evidence or reports which state that pet animals for example dogs and cats can also get infected. But it is highly recommended to keep hygiene your top priority. Make sure to wash your hands with water and soap after playing with your pets. Pets have some common bacteria that can cause cough and cold to humans.
Vaccine against Pneumonia Won’t Protect You
Getting your vaccine on time is generally a good practice. But, in case of infection due to coronavirus getting a pneumococcal vaccine and Hib vaccine will not provide any protection. The virus is new and different from any other virus. Many researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against COVID-19 and latest update shows that WHO is supporting their efforts.
Should I regularly rinse my nose with saline?
There is no evidence or report to back up this fact. As of now, No, regularly rinsing your nose with saline will not protect you from infection. Although, sometimes regularly rinsing nose with saline water can help you to recover more quickly from common cold. However, there is no evidence that it prevents respiratory infections as well.
Eating Garlic Won’t Help In Prevention
Eating garlic is healthy as it has many antimicrobial properties. But whether it will work on coronavirus or not, well, there is no evidence that shows eating garlic will protect you from new coronavirus.
Updated Report: Snow and Cold Weather Has No Effect On Coronavirus
Against common myth about coronavirus, there are absolutely no facts to back up fake theory that cold and snow can kill it. Human beings have body temperature of approximately 35’C – 37’C if you want to protect yourself from getting infected then follow common hygiene practice. Wash your hands regularly with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer.
Hot Bath Does Not Prevent Disease
There is another myth that is circulating on many social media platforms, taking hot bath is not going to prevent you from getting infected. On other hand, taking hot bath during hot days can actually destroy your skin and it can burn it too. To protect yourself follow precautionary measures, wash your hands regularly, use handkerchief while coughing and sneezing and avoid public places. By practicing simple routine, you can avoid getting infected. Also, try not to touch your eyes, mouth and nose area.
Coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through goods
Although it is possible that a new virus can stay on a surface for several days depending on type of surface, but it is unlikely that it can persist. Goods manufactured in China have been moved, traveled and exposed to different conditions and temperatures. In other words, virus cannot be transmitter through goods manufactured in China, or any other country as matter of fact. In case, you think that surface of product or item is infected then it is highly recommended to use a disinfectant to clean it. Make sure to wash your hand with alcohol-based hand rub after touching it.
Coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted Through Mosquito Bites
There is no update or information nor evidence which suggests that new coronavirus can be transmitted by a bite of mosquito. One of main reasons for widespread of coronavirus is because of droplets generate when infect person cough or sneeze. You can easily protect yourself by washing your hand regularly. Try to avoid close contact with person who is in ill health.
Hand Dyer WON’T kill the new coronavirus
It is a myth; hand dryer won’t help you kill COVI-19. Again, in case you want to protect yourself from new coronavirus is by cleaning your hand with good hand-sanitizer. Wash your hand 4-5 times a day, after coming home or office.
UV Lamp WON’T Kill New Coronavirus
UV lamps are of no good when it comes to sterilizing your hand or skin area. On other hand, UV radiation can cause skin irritations.
Are Thermal Scanner Effective?
Yes, thermal scanners are designed to display variation in temperature. Using this technology, you can easily detect a person with fever or higher than normal body temperatures. Remember fever is one of common symptoms of infection. However, you cannot detect people with infection if they have not yet developed fever. It can take up to 10days before infected people become sick or develop a fear.
Can We Kill Coronavirus By Using Alcohol?
Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over body will not kill coronavirus if they have already entered into your body. On other hand, spraying such substances can be harmful. Although you can use alcohol and chorine to disinfect surface. But, make sure to use it under appropriate recommendations.
Can Your Pet Spread Coronavirus?
As of now there is no evidence or reports which state that pet animals for example dogs and cats can also get infected. But it is highly recommended to keep hygiene your top priority. Make sure to wash your hands with water and soap after playing with your pets. Pets have some common bacteria that can cause cough and cold to humans.
Vaccine against Pneumonia Won’t Protect You
Getting your vaccine on time is generally a good practice. But, in case of infection due to coronavirus getting a pneumococcal vaccine and Hib vaccine will not provide any protection. The virus is new and different from any other virus. Many researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against COVID-19 and latest update shows that WHO is supporting their efforts.
Should I regularly rinse my nose with saline?
There is no evidence or report to back up this fact. As of now, No, regularly rinsing your nose with saline will not protect you from infection. Although, sometimes regularly rinsing nose with saline water can help you to recover more quickly from common cold. However, there is no evidence that it prevents respiratory infections as well.
Eating Garlic Won’t Help In Prevention
Eating garlic is healthy as it has many antimicrobial properties. But whether it will work on coronavirus or not, well, there is no evidence that shows eating garlic will protect you from new coronavirus.
Is coronavirus only affecting older people
No, people of all ages can be infected by COVID-19. Since older people and people with existing medical conditions have low-immunity, therefore, they are bit more susceptible to catching new diseases. As per latest advice from WHO, people from all age groups need to protect themselves from this virus outbreak.
Can I Have Antibiotics to Protect Myself?
No, the cure for new coronavirus is still not known, antibiotics only work against bacteria and not viruses. Therefore, new coronavirus cannot be treated with antibiotic, in case you have mild fever and cough then contact your personal doctor.
Final Report
There is no specific medicine that helps in eliminating new coronavirus. If you have similar symptoms like fever and cough then seek medical attention. DO NOT PANIC and approach your doctor.