Sipping Tradition: The Popular Beers of Cyprus

The Popular Beers of Cyprus

Cyprus, an island nation nestled in the eastern Mediterranean, boasts a rich history that spans thousands of years. This history is not only evident in its ancient ruins and traditions but also in its culinary and beverage offerings. Among these, beer holds a special place. While Cyprus might not be the first country that comes to mind when thinking of beer, it has a brewing tradition that offers both local and international flavors to its residents and visitors.

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The Ancient Brews

The history of beer in Cyprus can be traced back to ancient times. Archaeological excavations have revealed evidence of beer production and consumption dating back to the Bronze Age. These early Cypriot beers were likely made from barley and flavored with local herbs, resembling more of a barley wine than the modern beers we’re familiar with.

Keo and Carlsberg: The Dominant Players

When discussing Cypriot beers, two names immediately stand out: Keo and Carlsberg. Keo, established in 1951, is the island’s oldest beer brand. Brewed in Limassol, this lager has a light, crisp taste, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Its golden hue and refreshing taste make it the perfect accompaniment to a sunny beach day.

Carlsberg, on the other hand, is an international brand but has made significant inroads in the Cypriot market. Brewed locally under license, Carlsberg offers both its signature lager and a variety of specialty beers, catering to a wide range of palates.

Craft Beer Movement

In recent years, Cyprus has seen a surge in craft beer production. Inspired by global trends, local brewers are experimenting with flavors, ingredients, and brewing techniques. Breweries like Aphrodite’s Rock and Pivo Microbrewery are leading the charge, offering beers that range from hoppy IPAs to rich stouts. These craft beers often incorporate local ingredients, such as Cypriot honey or citrus, adding a unique twist to traditional recipes.

Pairing Beer with Cypriot Cuisine

Cypriot cuisine, known for its rich flavors and diverse offerings, pairs wonderfully with beer. A cold Keo complements the saltiness of halloumi cheese, while the robust flavors of a local IPA can stand up to a hearty moussaka. For those with a sweet tooth, the caramel notes in a Cypriot stout can enhance the flavors of traditional desserts like baklava.


While wine might be the first beverage associated with Cyprus, beer has carved out its niche in the country’s culinary landscape. From ancient brews to modern craft beers, Cyprus offers a beer for every palate. So, the next time you find yourself on this beautiful island, make sure to raise a glass of Cypriot beer and toast to its rich brewing heritage.

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