February 22, 2025

5 Types of Co-Workers You Must Avoid Associating With

types of co-workers

The workplace has become a big market place for all calibre of people you see (the good, the bad and the ugly), and they are all scrambling at each opportunity to sow their seeds (good or evil). Unfortunately, if you are in the way of the bad and the ugly, they will either take you out or drag you down with them. So you will need to be as wise as a dove and as crafty as a serpent if you must prevail over their wicked schemes. 

Though you cannot really tell who a person is from their face, your radar must always be alert to pick up certain traits, attitudes and characters they are likely to exhibit. 

These five categories of colleagues will help you spot your targets on sight, if you must thrive, progress and grow at the workplace.

Ms. /Mr. Everybody’s Best-friend…..

These ones according to the Business Insider are the office socialites. They are funny, entertaining, and get along well with all and sundry. But just as easily, they spread your gist (both true and false) like wildfire. They treat their job as if it’s their personal party. They have so much time on their hands and hence spend it on endless chatter, coffee breaks and loitering about the office. They are loud and distracting. They lack focus and are often immature at their approach to work and must be avoided at all cost.

Ms. /Mr. Holier Than Thou……

These ones are regarded as office martyrs according to Business Insider. They are the eye service workers. They are every employer’s dream. They insist on doing everything themselves. They want everyone to know how much they have sacrificed for the job. They often have control issues. They work too hard to prove themselves but often bring imbalance to the team and foster undue unrest among workers. They complain often, possess non constructive attitude, they are unaware of their limits and are completely dangerous to deal with.

Mr. Borrow Me This and That….

These ones are office frauds. They always seem to forget their wallet at strategic moments, most especially when they need to pay for services used. They borrow with ease but never remember to pay back. They always seem desperate and troubled. They are mostly the popular FFFs (Friends for food). Their constant knack to borrow and not return when due often results in an office stir which becomes very ugly in the end. Beware.

Mr. I Too Know….

These ones are the self-proclaimed geniuses. They believe they know it all and hence become unteachable. However, they are always prone to mistakes, but would never make corrections. They are arrogant and overconfident. Their word is law and hence give no heed to the views of others. They always seem to have excuses for everything and never accept faults. They can cost you your job with their often poor choices and attitude. It would do you good to keep away from these sets of people.

Mr. We Should Hang Out……

These ones are the bad seeds. They are smooth, sleek and often easy on the eyes. They always seem to say the right things and are very convincing. They are the trick stars of all times. They have enough fuel to take you out for a few drinks, but usually not enough to get you back home, but rather to their own homes. They often have wandering eyes and hands. They usually seem to have your best interest at heart. So they will slip that wayward hair strand behind your ear, or put back that missed front button, or even pat that dust on your behind and act like it was nothing at all. Flee from all appearances of these sets of people.

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