February 9, 2025

7 things you should know before moving to Mexico

Every year, thousands of Americans move to Mexico. It must be something to do with the beautiful sunshine, low cost of living, and easy travel routes between the two countries. However, there are a few things to consider before you make the big move. Here are seven things you should know before moving to Mexico.

You should rent before you buy

This goes for moving anywhere really. Before you settle on the perfect place, you should rent somewhere first. This gives you a chance to check out the area and test whether you really want to live there. Sure, it might mean putting off your dream for a while but at least you will know exactly what you want. It also gives you the perfect vantage point to find your dream home.

Moving your furniture may be prohibitively expensive

You would think that moving to Mexico would be super cheap. But actually, moving furniture across can be crazy expensive. It’s definitely worth getting a quote before you start looking at properties. You might find that it’s more cost-effective to sell everything you own and buy new when you arrive.

You’ll still have to pay American taxes 

If you want to retain your U.S. citizenship, you will still have to pay U.S income tax on your income. Forgetting to file your taxes while living abroad is a common mistake made by people trying to live a cheaper life somewhere else. It’s worth understanding all of the expat rules before you move because you could be entitled to some level of income tax exclusion. 

You need to learn Spanish before you move 

In the holiday resorts of Mexico, just about everyone speaks English. However, if you venture out into ‘real’ Mexico, you will struggle to get by without speaking Spanish. Not only that, the locals could take advantage of you and make you pay over-the-odds for basic goods. Learn Spanish before you go and make every effort to speak it while you’re there. 

It’s important to get the right health insurance

Health insurance is one of the biggest considerations when you move abroad. You need to know that you will be able to access the best local care if you get sick or injured. Research the health insurance you need when moving to Mexico. Then, look at the medical service in your area. For example, allista.care provides medical services for migrants with work-related injuries.

Banking can be frustrating

When you arrive in Mexico, you will probably want to open up a Mexican bank account. This should be relatively straightforward, as long as you have access to the right paperwork. However, you need to understand that banking in Mexico is slightly different. For example, you won’t find branches in rural areas, everyone pays in cash (for everything), and your cards won’t be widely accepted. You will have to get used to a different financial system.

Expect some homesickness

Homesickness is expected whenever you move abroad. You will miss the simple things about life in the U.S. and might feel tempted to come home. That’s why it’s worth renting or visiting the area first to make sure you’re serious about the move.