7 Ways To Get Your Green Card In The United States

An immigrant visa is necessary for foreign nationals who wish to reside permanently in the United States. This is also known as obtaining a green card. Here are the top seven methods for obtaining a green card in the US.
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Get In by Marrying
A foreign national must be sponsored by an immediate relative who is at least 21 years old, a U.S. citizen, or a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. in order to qualify for a green card in this manner. Marriage is a popular method for accomplishing this, but the marriage must be sincere and not just created for immigration purposes—intent is crucial.
Actually, there are two categories of family-based immigrant visas, to speak more generally about this method of immigration:
Immediate Relatives –
These visas are granted based on a close family connection, such as a spouse, child, or parent who is a citizen of the United States. These groups can have an unlimited number of immigrants each fiscal year. Processing is completed quickly, typically taking a year or so.
Family Preference –
These visas are only available for very precise, far-flung family links with Americans and for very specific relationships with lawful permanent residents. These groups can only have a certain number of immigrants each fiscal year. Processing is slower, typically taking years or even decades.
Put Money Into It
Currently, the EB-5 direct investor programme allows investor immigrants to obtain green cards by making investments in their enterprises of up to $500,000, provided such investments result in the creation of ten new employment. This chance is transient and is most likely to expire by the end of the year, at which point the required sum will probably increase to $ 900,000 as it did previously. This program’s regional centre variant is now closed and waiting for Congress to reopen it.
- Transfer Your Way In
Consider Toyota sending a manager from Tokyo to manage the New York office. That is a typical illustration of how an intra-corporate transfer can lead to a green card. Your petitioning employer must be a U.S.-based company and have plans to hire you on as a manager or executive. The petitioner must have a qualifying relationship to the organisation that employed you overseas in a managerial or executive capacity, and must have been in operation in the United States for at least one year. This method of obtaining a green card is quite attractive because no labour certification is necessary.
Educate Yourself
To pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree at an institution in the United States, obtain a student visa. You will then be eligible for an Optional Practical Training post-graduate work permit, which is valid for one year. After the initial year, ask your employer to file for an H1B work visa on your behalf. Then, have the employer submit a labour certification application to the Department of Labour as proof that no American workers are available, qualified, and willing to take the position. Next, submit an application for a green card via the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service of the Department of Homeland Security. This is a painfully long and tortuous route, but for many applicants—especially those who have abilities but little money to invest and no relatives in the United States—it may be their only choice.
Work Your Way In
Choose between applying for an EB-2 extraordinary worker green card based on a national interest waiver or applying for an H1B work visa and then obtaining a green card through labour certification as explained in the student example.
If their employer will submit an application for labour certification and then sponsor them for a green card, H-1B applicants who provide services in a specialty occupation, services of exceptional merit and ability related to a Department of Defense cooperative research and development project, or services as a fashion model of distinguished merit or ability may eventually be granted green cards. Again, this is a difficult process that, in the majority of H1B cases, begins with a lottery and has a yearly cap on the number of applicants. However, there is no numerical restriction if the position is tied to a college, a nonprofit associated with a college, a nonprofit or U.S. government research institution, or an organisation that demands the H-1B employee work at one of these first three types of businesses. However, because of its complexity, the H1B visa route is the least preferred option to obtain a green card.
The advantage of an EB-2 application is that you are not dependent on a job offer and can self-petition for a green card. You must also satisfy the national interest waiver requirements, which include that the proposed endeavour has substantial merit and national importance, you are well-positioned to advance the proposed endeavour, and it would be advantageous for the United States to waive the typical requirements of a job offer, i.e., a labour certification. In addition, some nurses and physiotherapists who are offered jobs in such fields can follow this path to a green card without a labour certification.
Break Through to the Top
Follow in the footsteps of accomplished individuals who can obtain green cards abroad, such as Drake or Ryan Renolds. These typically involve people who have attained the pinnacle of their field or calling or have won internationally renowned honours like an Oscar, Grammy, or Pulitzer Prize. Such applicants with outstanding abilities are typically well-known figures in their industry.
Win Your Way In
Apply for a green card through the yearly Diversity Green Card Lottery, which selects 55,000 candidates to submit applications to immigrate to the United States. These applicants come from nations that are underrepresented among immigrants to the United States, such Estonia, Fiji, or Ukraine.
If a candidate doesn’t fit into any of these categories, their spouse could occasionally be able to provide the necessary qualifications. In either case, the applicant’s close relatives also receive green cards during the procedure. The descriptions provided above are quite general, therefore every option should be further studied to determine all the specifics.