8 Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic FAST and FOR FREE

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Increase Your Website Traffic FAST and FOR FREE- The first recommendation is Quora. So many people use Quora to search for questions and answers to those queries. So I would like you to begin responding. Do not send spam. Do not create anything questionable. Simply provide an abundance of value. And if you have a relevant article on your site, you should link to it. No affiliate links or anything similar. You will discover that Quora can generate literally thousands of visitors.
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Next, I want you to begin creating infographics with Canva. When you create infographics and publish them on your website, you’ll discover that people enjoy linking to them, and you don’t have to provide the data. Use Ubersuggest to locate the most popular pages on the website of your competition.
Participate in Facebook communities is the third resource I recommend. There are Facebook communities for all industries. Nobody discusses Facebook groups anymore. However, you know what? They function. Go in, contribute a tremendous amount of value, and continue to add value. Then you want to know what the next step is? Add additional value. And after you’ve added a substantial amount of value, I’d like you to eventually link to your site where it makes sense, as this will generate traffic.
Instagram stories constitute my fourth recommendation. Mention products, blog posts, podcasts, anything you’re selling, and promotions in your stories, and have users swipe up to visit your website. This generates direct traffic and can be repeated multiple times per week.
The following source is encoded with Restream. When you use Restream, you can go live on all of these websites, including YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and many others. And when you do this, when you conduct live sessions, you can also promote your products, services, and promotions. They will visit your site. It also drives commerce.
The sixth strategy I have for you involves LinkedIn carousels. If you upload a PDF with multiple pages to LinkedIn, it will be converted into a carousel. People can swipe, similar to an infographic, and obtain all the information at once. Increases engagement and remarks, as well as the number of followers. When you consistently post carousels on LinkedIn, you gain a substantial number of followers.
Twitter is the seventh social network that I adore. Not because it generates a lot of traffic, because it doesn’t, but because Twitter users are of a high caliber, particularly in the B2B market. If you are active on Twitter, you should leave comments, interact with others, and remark on viral content. You’ll acquire significantly more followers, and when you publish links to your website, everything will add up.
Release a complimentary utility on your website. This is one of my favorite strategies. It is a gift that continues to give. You can go to tools like CodeCanyon, or more so, sites like CodeCanyon, get some free tools or tools that are like 10, 15, $20, release them for free on your website. You’re allowed to ’cause they allow you to white label them, depending on the tool. And then boom, over time, you’ll just get more traffic. This is how you continue to increase your traffic.