Adorable Indian Baby Boy Names

Hinduism has a sizable number of gods and goddesses, and each deity has several other names, so there is no shortage of inspiration to be found here. Here are the complete Baby Boy Names Listings.

Also Read: –300 Popular Baby Names Ending in A, N, and Y

  • Arjun
  • Aum
  • Ishan
  • Krish
  • Moksh
  • Rishi
  • Veer

Indian Baby Boy Names Inspired by Bollywood

The one advantage of having a thriving film industry is the vast number of films that are coming out on screens, even though Bollywood’s screenplays are no match for Hindu scriptures.

  • Laksh
  • Moksh
  • Sajan
  • Samay
  • Siddh
  • Veer

Indian Baby Boy Names in Pop Culture

These are some Indian names you might hear on the radio or see splashed over the screen, from Dev Patel of The Green Knight to Kal Penn of The Namesake.

Also Read:- Beautiful 1000 Baby Girl Names in the U.S.

  • Ari
  • Dev
  • Jaiden
  • Jay
  • Kalpen
  • Sai
  • Zayn

85 Amazing Indian Boy Names to Inspire You

No matter what the inspiration, one of these names might be perfect for your little one.

  1. Aaditya
  2. Aarav
  3. Ajay
  4. Akash
  5. Akhil
  6. Akshay
  7. Anand
  8. Anil
  9. Ari
  10. Arian
  11. Arjun
  12. Armaan
  13. Arun
  14. Aum
  15. Avi
  16. Ayaan
  17. Bodhi
  18. Daksh
  19. Dev
  20. Eshaan
  21. Ishan
  22. Jahan
  23. Jaiden
  24. Jay
  25. Jiyan
  26. Kabir
  27. Kahan
  28. Kailash
  29. Kaiyen
  30. Kalpen
  31. Karam
  32. Karthik
  33. Kavish
  34. Kiaan
  35. Krish
  36. Kriyan
  37. Laksh
  38. Manav
  39. Milan
  40. Mivan
  41. Mohan
  42. Moksh
  43. Nayan
  44. Neeraj
  45. Nikhil
  46. Nirmay
  47. Nishan
  48. Nitin
  49. Niyam
  50. Ohm
  51. Ovi
  52. Parth
  53. Pavan
  54. Priyam
  55. Rajiv
  56. Rajveer
  57. Revan
  58. Ridhan
  59. Rishi
  60. Rithvik
  61. Riyan
  62. Rohan
  63. Rudra
  64. Sachin
  65. Sahil
  66. Sai
  67. Sajan
  68. Samardh
  69. Samay
  70. Sanjay
  71. Sayan
  72. Shaan
  73. Shikhar
  74. Siddh
  75. Sohum
  76. Tej
  77. Vardan
  78. Veer
  79. Vihan
  80. Vikram
  81. Vimal
  82. Viraj
  83. Yash
  84. Zayn
  85. Zian

Also Read:- Popular Baby Girl Names A to Z Alphabet

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