Ag In Color Drawing Contest open for 2022-2023

Ag In Color Drawing Contest open for 2022-2023

Montana’s BOZEMAN— For students in kindergarten through sixth grade, the Montana Farm Bureau Ag in Color Drawing Contest is now taking place. Teachers who take part in this event are required to give county Farm Bureau leaders the artwork they created in class.

Also Read: –Cool Contests for Creative Kids in 2022–2023

By December 1, drawings must be submitted to the county Farm Bureau, and judging must be finished by December 20. The MFBF office will receive the winning entries. Teachers will be notified of the state winners by the Women’s Leadership State Committee in February, and the results will be made public in March 2023. The Montana Farm Bureau will provide winners with a reward package that includes a pizza party for the class, ag-relevant resources for their instructor, and other goodies.

All Montana kids and instructors are welcome to participate in the “Ag in Color” drawing competition.

he categories are:

* Kindergarten- Farm Animals in Montana

* Grade 1- Grown in Montana

* Grade 2- Grains of Montana

* Grade 3- Cattle in Agriculture

* Grade 4- Noxious weeds in Montana

* Grade 5- Safety on Montana Farms & Ranches

* Grade 6- Agricultural-related Careers in Montana

Contest rules:

– Entries must be legible with clear printing on good quality paper.

– Paper Size– half letter/ a5 (5.5″ by 8.5″) Landscape (no need for margin)

– Paper weight—Card stock is encouraged. Please use heavier than standard printer paper.

– 15 word maximum

-The term “Montana” must be in the slogan (GRADE 3, eliminate “Montana” from the slogan for the livestock category)

-On the back of the artwork, the student’s name, grade, school, phone number, teacher, teacher’s email, and county must be clearly printed (provided labels can be affixed to back of each drawing.)

By Thursday, December 1, entries must be delivered to the county Farm Bureau secretary (contact information available).

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