APLF in Dubai 2023- How To Visitor Fill Pre-Registration Form

APLF in Dubai

APLF stands for Asia Pacific Leather Fair, which is a trade show for the leather industry. I’m not sure about the specific details for APLF in Dubai in 2023, as my training data only goes up until 2021. However, you can check the official website or contact the organizer for more information.

Dates: 13 -15 March 2023
Opening Hours: 10:00am-6:00pm on Day 1 & 2,
10:00am-5:00pm on Day 3
Venue: Sheikh Saeed Halls 1-3, Dubai World Trade Centre
Concurrent Events: APLF Leather, Materials+, Fashion Access

APLF in Dubai 2023 Exhibitor List

Sector Company Name Country
Materials+ Abitalia Inc Italy
APLF Leather Al Khaznah Tannery United Arab Emirates
APLF Leather Alpaka Deri Turkey
Materials+ Anhui H2 New Material Technology Co Ltd China
APLF Leather Argolanda BV Netherlands
APLF Leather Asen Tannery (Asen Deri San. Ve Tic. A.S.) Turkey
APLF Leather ATC Tannery Chemicals France
APLF Leather Baris Kardesler Deri Turkey
Materials+ Bartoli Spa Italy
APLF Leather C.G.R.D. Srl Italy
APLF Leather Calisganlar Deri Turkey
APLF Leather CBR Group – Couros Bom Retiro Brazil
APLF Leather Cencoprod LTDA. (Central de Cooperativas de Produccion) Paraguay
APLF Leather Cevahir Deri San Tic Ltd Sti Turkey
APLF Leather Chemipal SRL Italy
Fashion Access China First Yili Group Company China
APLF Leather CICB – Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry Brazil
APLF Leather Cihan Deri Sanayi A.S. Turkey
APLF Leather Cihan Kimya Dis Ticaret Ve Sanayi Limited Sti Turkey
Fashion Access Come Again Holding South Africa
APLF Leather Commercial Overseas Srl Italy
APLF Leather Conceria Ds Srl Italy
APLF Leather Conceria Volpiana Spa Italy
APLF Leather Cortume Krumenauer Brazil
APLF Leather Couro & Arte Brazil
APLF Leather Covico – Fortain – Nouvelle Société Arnaud – SVA jean Rozé France
APLF Leather Cromogenia Units, S.A. Spain
APLF Leather Cubukcuoglu Deri San. Ve Tic. A.S. Turkey
APLF Leather Curtidos Reconquista S.r.l Argentina
APLF Leather Curtume Nimo Brazil
APLF Leather Dabbagh Deri Ve Tekstil San Ve Tic Ltd Sti Turkey
APLF Leather Dege Trading – Norcuir France
Materials+ Dongguan Shengyuan Industrial Co Ltd China
APLF Leather Ego Srl Italy
APLF Leather El Montaza Tannery Egypt
APLF Leather Ell Gonih Tannery EGT Egypt
APLF Leather Emder Dis Ticaret Ve Pazarlama Ltd. Sti. Turkey
APLF Leather Ermaksan Sanayi Makinalari Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. Turkey
APLF Leather Estetik Deri Tekstil San. Ve Dis. Tic Ltd. Sti Turkey
APLF Leather Euro-America International Freight Forwarders Brazil
APLF Leather Faeda S.p.a. Italy
Fashion Access Fashion Lab Production Limited Hong Kong, S.A.R., China
Materials+ FEC*SERILABEL di Facchinetti srl Italy
APLF Leather French Hides & Skins Association – FFCP France
APLF Leather French Leather Factory Saudi Arabia
APLF Leather Fuga Couros S/A Brazil
APLF Leather Garbarnia Szczakowa S.A. Poland
APLF Leather Goryakinlar Deri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. Turkey
APLF Leather Gruppo Mastrotto Italy
APLF Leather GSC Group S.P.A Italy
Fashion Access Guangzhou Dongchen Import & Export Trading Co Ltd China
Materials+ Guangzhou Micooson Microfiber Leather Co Ltd China
Fashion Access Guangzhou Roenari Trade Co Ltd China
Fashion Access Guangzhou Yonghe Trading Co., Ltd China
APLF Leather Gunduz Kurk Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS Turkey
APLF Leather Hebei Depu Fur Co Ltd China
Fashion Access Ifix Creations South Africa
APLF Leather Ilikem Kimya Deri Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.S. Turkey
Materials+ Intercom S.R.L. Italy
APLF Leather Irfan Mohammed Said Atik Tanning Factory Saudi Arabia
APLF Leather Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters’ Association Turkey
APLF Leather Italven Conceria Srl Italy
APLF Leather JBS Couros Brazil
Materials+ Ji’an City Sanling Microfiber Co Ltd China
APLF Leather Jiangxi Xiongyi Leather Co Ltd China
Fashion Access Jin Zhou Aoli Sheared Sheepskin Products Co., Ltd China
APLF Leather Karaca Deri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti. Turkey
APLF Leather Kupon Ayak. Deri Ve Yan. San. Urun. Tic. Ltd. Sti. Turkey
APLF Leather Leather & More Co. Egypt
APLF Leather Leather’s Societa’ Cooperativa Italy
Fashion Access Ledikana creations South Africa
APLF Leather Les Cuirs de l’Ouest – Cuirs et Peaux de l’Ouest France
APLF Leather Liderkoll Ltda Brazil
APLF Leather LMF Biokimica Spa Italy
Materials+ Magica Shoe Materials China
APLF Leather Mercier Turner France
APLF Leather Minerva Leather Brazil
Materials+ Ming Tong Gold-Filled Zipper (HK) Ltd. Hong Kong, S.A.R., China
Fashion Access MTR Deri Urunleri Imalat San Ve Tic AS Turkey
APLF Leather Munzin Inc USA
Materials+ New Way Pro. Design Company Limited China
APLF Leather Nick Winters – Bigard – Socopa France
Materials+ Norm Shoes Materials Industry and Trade INC Turkey
APLF Leather NTE Company (Pty) Ltd South Africa
Fashion Access Ortenhill Private Limited Singapore
APLF Leather Pacific Leather Brazil
APLF Leather Piel Color Company for Tanning and Finish Leather s.a.e Egypt
Fashion Access Planet Events South Africa
Fashion Access Protea Leather South Africa
APLF Leather PT International Leather Works Indonesia
Materials+ Punto Piu’ Srl Italy
APLF Leather Recalac Srl Italy
APLF Leather Rives SA France
Fashion Access Rosemay South Africa
APLF Leather S.E.S.N. S.r.l. Italy
APLF Leather Sade Group Deri Tic. Ltd. Sti. Turkey
APLF Leather Sarchem Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A S Turkey
APLF Leather Sarg Tannery for Import & Export and Leather Tanning Egypt
APLF Leather Satra United Kingdom
APLF Leather Scottish Leather Group United Kingdom
APLF Leather SCRD France
Materials+ Sea Queen Fashion Ltd Hong Kong, China
APLF Leather Selina Kurk Deri San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Turkey
Fashion Access Shenzhen Jinfeng Plastic Products Co Ltd China
APLF Leather Sibel SAS France
APLF Leather Sintan Kimya Sanayii ve Ticaret A.S. Turkey
Materials+ Skicorp Trinity Private Limited India
APLF Leather Sotas Chemical Company Turkey
Fashion Access South African Footwear and Leather Export Council South Africa
Fashion Access Soyama Training and Development South Africa
APLF Leather TEAMpiel International Italy
Materials+ Tecno Gi Spa Italy
APLF Leather Tecnochimica Spa Italy
APLF Leather Teknotan Deri San. Ve Tic. A.S. Turkey
APLF Leather The University of Northampton United Kingdom
APLF Leather Thurling Investment Pty Ltd South Africa
APLF Leather Turgut Kardesler Leather Turkey
APLF Leather Turkiye Sise Ve Cam Fabrikalari A.S Turkey
APLF Leather Tuscania Industria Conciaria S.p.a. Italy
APLF Leather Unichem Kimya Sanayi Ticaret A.S. Turkey
APLF Leather Usak Atlas Deri Sanayii Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey
Fashion Access Utaliya Group Shoes Factories Indonesia
APLF Leather Uyguner Deri San Ve Tic AS Turkey
APLF Leather Vechem Chemicals Turkey
Fashion Access WEEF South Africa
APLF Leather Wellour Couros Brazil
Fashion Access Wendy H Bridal South Africa
Fashion Access Wild Elements South Africa
APLF Leather Wollsdorf Leather Austria
APLF Leather XuChuan Chemical (Suzhou) Co Ltd China
Fashion Access YangJiang HengXin Shoes Co Ltd China

APLF in Dubai Pre-Registration Form Process

APLF (Asia Pacific Leather Fair) in Dubai is an international trade fair for the leather industry. To participate in this fair, you need to complete the pre-registration form. The process for pre-registering for the APLF in Dubai typically involves the following steps:

  1. Visit the official APLF website and locate the pre-registration form
  2. Fill out the form with your personal and company information
  3. Submit the form to complete the pre-registration process.

Note: The exact pre-registration process may vary slightly from year to year, so it is recommended to check the official website for up-to-date information.

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