February 23, 2025

Buy a barcode for products

Buy a barcode for products

We are an officially authorized registrar in the bar coding system created by the DISAI Association for Automatic Identification and Standardization. Our consultants provide services for the creation and assignment of registration numbers for coding products for manufacturers, distributors and intermediaries – from large enterprises to individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with international standards and agreements on automatic identification, as well as the requirements of FSIS MERCURY are taken into account. You can instantly Buy cheap UPC codes if you follow all steps in this article. 

The Auto-ID Marking Center has been providing barcode assignment services for more than 7 years. We will help you get a barcode quickly and legally, register them with the DISAI Association for Automatic Identification and Standardization, receive a certificate with a hologram. To do this, you need to complete only 3 steps:

  1. Fill in the form 

Provide the full details of your organization or individual entrepreneur. Provide a copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity – send a scanned copy to us by e-mail; 2. Provide a list of products

  1. Subject to bar coding

Each separate type of product (goods) should be indicated in the List as a separate item (products or goods that differ in their consumer properties grade, size, color, quantity in a package, unit price – different bar codes must correspond;

  1. Receive and pay the invoice

Receive and pay the invoice according to the selected tariff or transfer the required amount to the organization’s current account (see the sample invoice below.) If there is no possibility of a personal visit, you must send the documents by e-mail. 

Selection of a thermal printer for automation of production and trade A very private question for us – “How is the development of a barcode?”

The commodity producers, having united, created an association, where they began to register on a global scaletheir goods in the form of codes, while defining the coding rules and assigning digital intervals for each of the participating countries. 

Each product has its own designation, which is not repeated on other products. 

It should be borne in mind that the registration of a barcode can also provide for the addition of information about the company’s activities. This is done to simplify the international activities of a company that manufactures certain products or provides services.

What guarantees do we provide when receiving barcodes?

The barcodes you received are completely legal. You can at any time find out the owner of the barcode on the website here , 24 hours after payment. The search is carried out in all existing databases: in Russia and abroad. We give absolute assurance that our barcodes (correctly printed) are readable by all barcode scanners. We have no hidden fees for ancillary services like barcode graphic design or database modification.

Bar coding, one-dimensional and two-dimensional bar codes is a reality, without which trade and foreign trade exchange are impossible. The main object of bar-coding is a unit of goods (products) , which is characterized by a unique combination of the following accounting attributes: price, size, weight, color, quality and other characteristics (analytical properties). It is important to understand that a barcode has been introduced into trade exchange in order to accelerate its movement from manufacturer to consumer and in order to unambiguously determine (based on a combination of product properties) the price of a product when it is sold, as determined by the manufacturer himself.

The standardization and registration of EAN codes was carried out by the European Association EAN, in continuation of the development of standards developed by the organizations UCC (Uniform Code Council, Inc.) in the USA and ECCC (Electronic Commerce Council of Canada) in Canada. In 2005, all these organizations merged with each other and developed a single standard. Now it is this standard that is universal for all countries, and the American and Canadian national organization insistently recommended that all trading companies in their countries replace outdated equipment and UPC programs that cannot read EAN with modern ones.

Currently, the barcode greatly simplifies the work with goods not only in trade, but also in warehouse accounting, in the post office, librarianship and other areas. It can be applied either directly to the packaging of the goods during its manufacture or to stickers that are printed using special printers.