FY 2023 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Period Opens on March 1

According to a statement made by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today, the initial registration period for the H-1B cap for the fiscal year 2023 will begin at noon Eastern time on March 1 and go through noon Eastern time on March 18, 2022. Potential petitioners and representatives can fill out and submit their registrations utilising our online H-1B registration system at this time.
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For the FY 2023 H-1B cap, USCIS will give a confirmation number to each register. You cannot use this number to track the status of your case in Case Status Online; it is only used to track registrations.
Each beneficiary must be electronically registered for the selection process using a myUSCIS account, and prospective H-1B cap-subject petitioners or their representatives must pay the $10 H-1B registration fee for each registration made on behalf of each beneficiary. Prospective petitioners (U.S. employers and U.S. agents, generally known as “registrants”) who submit their own registrations will utilise a “registrant” account. New accounts can be made by registrants starting on February 21 at noon Eastern.
However, registrants and representatives must wait until March 1 to enter beneficiary information and submit the registration with the $10 cost. Representatives may add clients to their accounts at any time. In a single online session, prospective petitioners or their representatives would be able to register several beneficiaries. Prior to making the final payment and submitting each registration, they will be able to create, update, and store draft registrations through the account.
If sufficient registrations are received by March 18, we will randomly choose registrations and notify people via their myUSCIS online accounts of their selection. Account holders will be informed by March 31.
Only a petitioner whose registration for the beneficiary identified in the H-1B petition was chosen during the H-1B registration process may submit an H-1B cap-subject petition, including a petition for a beneficiary who is qualified for the advanced degree exemption.
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