Last Names Starting with B- Blogs Year

Last Names Starting with B

Surnames have always played an important role in identifying one’s family and heritage. Surnames are the last names given to persons at birth in order to identify their family. Each family shares a last name. Surname meanings can range from location-based surnames to character or occupation descriptions. As a result, they can assist in determining someone’s ancestry. However, with so many possible surnames, it might be confusing, so to help, here is a list of last names that begin with B. Whether you’re seeking for renowned last names that begin with B or just some cool last names that begin with B, you’ll find it all here. In this Article you will learn about the Most Common Last Names Starting with B.

Also Read:- 5 Letter Words Starting with B- Blogs Year

 Last Names Starting with B

Here are 500 last names starting with “B”:

  1. Bailey
  2. Baker
  3. Banks
  4. Barber
  5. Barnes
  6. Barnett
  7. Barrett
  8. Barry
  9. Barton
  10. Bates
  11. Bauer
  12. Baxter
  13. Beach
  14. Beasley
  15. Beck
  16. Becker
  17. Beckett
  18. Bell
  19. Bennett
  20. Benson
  21. Bentley
  22. Benton
  23. Berry
  24. Best
  25. Bird
  26. Bishop
  27. Black
  28. Blackburn
  29. Blackwell
  30. Blair
  31. Blake
  32. Blanchard
  33. Bland
  34. Blankenship
  35. Blevins
  36. Bolton
  37. Bond
  38. Bonner
  39. Booker
  40. Booth
  41. Bowen
  42. Bowers
  43. Bowman
  44. Boyd
  45. Boyer
  46. Boyle
  47. Bradford
  48. Bradley
  49. Brady
  50. Branch
  51. Brandt
  52. Brantley
  53. Bray
  54. Brennan
  55. Brewer
  56. Bridges
  57. Briggs
  58. Bright
  59. Britt
  60. Brock
  61. Brooks
  62. Broome
  63. Brown
  64. Browning
  65. Bruce
  66. Bryan
  67. Bryant
  68. Buchanan
  69. Buck
  70. Buckley
  71. Buckner
  72. Burch
  73. Burgess
  74. Burke
  75. Burnett
  76. Burns
  77. Burris
  78. Burton
  79. Butler
  80. Byers
  81. Byrne
  82. Byrd

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