February 9, 2025

Nigerian Tribes: Their Indigenous Arts

Nigerian Tribes

With approx. 182 million people, Nigeria is a populous African nation. It is made up of about 371 ‘tribes’ which all vary in language and culture. 

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Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba are recognized as the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. They constitute 70% of the Nigerian population. These groups are often identified by their indigenous dressing, dance style, language, food and art.

‘Nigerian art’ forms part of our history and has served specific purposes in the era of its creation. A purpose that may have been for either traditional or religious activities which defines the culture of such a tribe (Art of Hausa-Fulani Yoruba and Ibo).

Nigerian Tribes

Back in the stone-age, The Igbos made bronze ceremonial vessels a part of their cultural heritage. A vessel you never fail to see at weddings, traditional ordinations etc.

Nigerian Tribes

The Yorubas have been known for their poetic and artistic history. They specialized in making sculptures which often represented a deity of some sort. They also specialized in bead works, metal work, weaving and mask making. These works are often found today at local art galleries

Nigerian Tribes

The Hausa-Fulani art is somewhat associated with their daily way of living; such routines as farming and animal rearing. Their art is however most influenced by their religious beliefs.

Nigerian Tribes

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