The Australian Cancer Plan 2023–2033

For the most recent information about the Australian Cancer Plan, please visit our brand-new interaction centre. Every Australian is affected by cancer in some way.
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Health care providers, charities, and other organisations all around Australia are working nonstop to support and care for those impacted by cancer. Researchers are looking for novel approaches to treating, diagnosing, and coping with the disease in all of its manifestations. Additionally, plans, guidelines, and strategies are being developed by governments, policymakers, and business organisations to direct and shape future activities.
The influence of novel models of care and ways of working is frequently restricted to specific cancer kinds or geographical areas, and the pace of this crucial effort is frequently slowed down by system-level constraints.
This perception will change thanks to the Australian Cancer Plan.
We can build on solid foundations. Australia has some of the greatest cancer results in the world, and the majority of cancer types are seeing higher survival rates. However, not every Australian had this experience. The sort of cancer a person has, where they reside, their background and current circumstances, as well as their experiences during diagnosis and treatment, all affect their risk of developing cancer. Such variations and disparities are undesirable.
We need national action to address issues that contribute to variations in cancer incidence and that result in variation in cancer outcomes and experience if we are to attain world-class cancer outcomes for all Australians. Additionally, we require a method for disseminating, studying, and expanding initiatives that are having a positive impact.
We have the chance to create and implement a revolutionary national strategy to pinpoint and address pressing cancer control concerns that call for coordinated, national action.
We need your support to accomplish that.
Why Your Opinions Matter
You are invited by Cancer Australia to express your ideas for the Australian Cancer Plan.
Give your opinion by responding to the survey questions below or by uploading a document. We want you to be brave and think big because we are eager to hear ambitious and transformative ideas.
You can read the Communiqué and watch the presentations from a Ministerial Roundtable on the Australian Cancer Plan conducted in April 2021 to help you organise your thoughts.
Your suggestions will be combined with those made by Roundtable participants to help the Australian Cancer Plan’s direction and focus.
How to have your say through the Consultation Hub
- Click on the online survey in the box below.
- Answer the questions in the online survey.
- You may respond to Questions 1, 2 and 3 in detail or you may choose to upload a written response to Questions 1, 2 or 3.
- If you wish to upload a general, overarching, written submission, you may do so at Questions 1, 2 or 3.
- You will need to finish the survey to submit your response. However not all questions require a response, and the survey can take as little as two or three minutes if you only wish to attach a written submission.
Questions And Support
Please email australiancancerplan@canceraustralia. if you have any concerns about the consultation or technical problems using the Consultation Hub.
Call TIS National at 131 450 and ask them to call Cancer Australia at 02 9357 9400 if you want an interpreter. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
How Your Responses Will Be Used
The Australian Cancer Plan will be developed with input from all stakeholders, including replies to surveys and written comments.
Publishing Comments While Maintaining Your Privacy
To better understand the people who have responded, we will ask you for some personal information. Laws such as the Privacy Act of 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles protect your personal information. Cancer Australia is gathering personal data in order to conduct a public consultation on the Australian Cancer Plan.
Your response will be posted on this Consultation Hub in a few days if you provide your permission. Only if you consent will your name (and, if provided, the name of your organisation) be published. You have the option to request that your comment be published anonymously. Your email address won’t be shared with anyone.
Before publication, responses will be checked to remove any inappropriate, offensive, or sensitive information.
Stay informed
Information and updates are available on the Australian Cancer Plan webpage on the Cancer Australia website (https://www.canceraustralia.
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