Top Tricks on How To Get More Dental Reviews

How To Get More Dental Reviews

In dental marketing, dental reviews are a credibility booster. Your patients will be talking about your services to their friends or family. Your patients could be sharing their experiences online. Studies show that half of the websites. On average, receive less than or equal to 15,000 unique visitors per month. The statistics mean that more potential patients research dental services online before scheduling.

Also Read:- How To Create An Effective Dental Marketing Plan

When a person looks out for a dentist in the area, the person would likely like to hear recommendations from people in the community or see reviews online. Back then, you get reviews from friends or family. In this age, the internet plays a significant role in getting reviews or recommendations about products or services.

So how can you leverage and get more dental reviews from your existing patients? The following are dental marketing strategies to get more reviews online. 

  1. Ask Your Existing patients

After the dental procedure, you could appoint your staff to talk to the patient. Ask them about the appointment before the patient leaves. The feeling of being taken care of by the team leaves a lasting impression on the patient. 

If the patient says positive things about the experience, ask the person if they mind giving a review online. Most patients would be happy to do so. Dental marketing strategies like giving your patients a survey inside the office are something you can do instantly.

  1. Sending the review through email

Email review requests appeal to patients because of their instant convenience. Email surveys are convenient and easy with less paper waste generated and can be opened right after a dental visit.

To get your customer to do the survey requested, emailing them gives them the freedom to do it anytime or anywhere. Marketing for dentists can involve sending an email that you can edit the invitation with visuals. Ask the patient to write the personal email on your patient records so that the patient will receive the online review request afterward.

  1. Sending the review requests via text

Aside from email, another way of getting instant feedback sent to and done by the patient is by sending via text message with a warm greeting followed by a polite request to do an online review together with a link to popular review platforms like Google. 

Text messages allow the customer to write feedback anywhere and anytime without urgency. Since most people nowadays carry their phones anywhere. This strategy is effective in marketing for dentists.

  1. Applying automation to your review requests

Automation these days is proven cost-effective for your business and saves time for you and the dental staff. The process could be done in an automated way and takes out human error.

Automation allows flexibility so that you and your dental team can focus on the more important stuff. Automation in digital communication is an advantage to marketing for dentists.

  1. Monitoring your online reviews

Gathering online reviews needs to be monitored so your dental practice can maintain a good reputation. Check your online reviews to avoid negative reviews that harm your reputation and business. Online trolls and competitors could sabotage your reputation and business.

Positive reviews boost morale for the team. Positive feedback attracts prospective customers to make an appointment with your dental clinic. Reading online reviews gives you a perspective of your clients and customers. 

Are You Ready To rise? 

Boosting your dental reviews should be part of your dental marketing strategies for your practice. Having tons of positive reviews can level up your dental marketing game. Do you want to boost or maintain your online reviews? Our dental marketing team can assist you with your needs. Contact us today for a free consultation!