How To Enable or Disable Reddit NSFW

For content (text, photographs, videos, and links) that would be humiliating to view in a public setting, the acronym Reddit NSFW (or Not Safe For Work) is used (at home, at work, or school).
Items with the NSFW label may be sexual, sexually explicit, vulgar, or depict extreme violence. You may learn how to allow or disable NSFW material on Reddit from this post.
How to Enable Or Disable Reddit NSFW Content
If you wish to view NSFW content (it’s acceptable, no need to feel guilty about it). Make sure you watch or read it at a place where “the public” cannot see you. On the other hand, you can disable it and solely consume SFW content.
This post will show you how to enable and disable Reddit on both the site and the app as they are both available. If you follow the instructions, your iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, Linux, or Windows PC should all be compatible.
Enabling And Disabling Reddit NSFW On Desktop
Verify your login status.
Turn on the option “I am over eighteen years old and willing to view adult content,” scroll down to the bottom, and click the save options button.
Activate the checkbox next to Include not safe for work (NSFW) search results in searches, then click the Save Options button at the bottom of the page.
If you’re not 18 and over, it is safe to stay away from all this NSFW thing.
You’ll notice that after doing this, the “Blur NSFW Images” button also becomes active. Tap the button to disable it if you want to clearly see the NSFW image.
Your Reddit timeline will display NSFW content, and photographs will be readily visible.
It’s safe to read this at work (giggles)
Mark your account as an NSFW account in advance if you want to share steamy hot or wild insane content without getting in trouble with Reddit (do it via the web).
Additionally, keep this in mind while you navigate through your feeds for your NSFW account while in “public.”
About the Reddit NSFW Unsubscriber
Warning: If you’re interested in learning more, check out my blog post on how to make the Reddit NSFW Unsubscriber.
This tool can assist you whether you are an avid user of /r/nofap or you simply want to make your Reddit experience a little more healthy by deleting all the porn subreddits or subreddits containing adult content in general.
It wasn’t the worst few hours of my life when I found a list of over 50,000 pornographic subreddits and made this programme that instantly compares your subreddits to those on the list.
The programme will immediately unsubscribe you from any subreddits that show in the list if you are subscribed to them using the official Reddit API. You may, of course, double-check that no good subreddits are being removed from your subscription list before the programme unsubscribes you.
You can deny the tool access to your account in your Reddit account preferences after it has finished working.
It was difficult to determine what was Reddit NSFW and what wasn’t. Are NSFW-rated celebrity subreddits acceptable? What about a Reddit subreddit for popular Instagram models? I chose to say yes in both situations.
So while it may seem incredibly stringent, it surely does not apply to all NSFW subreddits. You can add subreddits to the list because of this. We can improve this tool with your input.