How To Sleep After A Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Are you scheduled for a wisdom tooth extraction? It’s normal to feel anxious about the procedure and the recovery process. One of the biggest concerns is how to sleep comfortably after wisdom tooth removal. Lack of sleep can prolong your recovery, so it’s crucial to learn some tips on how to make your sleeping experience comfortable during this time. 

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with helpful information on what to expect after wisdom tooth extraction, pain relief options, and most importantly – how to get a good night’s rest while managing your discomfort!

What To Expect After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Immediately after your wisdom tooth extraction, you may feel groggy and disoriented from the anesthesia. It’s important to have someone drive you home and stay with you for a few hours while you recover.

You should expect some bleeding in the first 24 hours post-surgery. The dentist will provide gauze pads to bite down on to help control the bleeding. You can also use a cold compress over your jaw area to reduce swelling.

Pain and discomfort are common after a wisdom tooth extraction, but it can be managed with painkillers prescribed by your dentist or over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil).

It’s normal to experience some stiffness of the jaw muscles due to prolonged opening of your mouth during surgery. This symptom usually subsides within a week.

Remember that every person heals differently so if any unusual symptoms occur or persist beyond what has been explained here; please contact your dental professional immediately!

Pain Relief For Wisdom Tooth Extraction:

Pain is an inevitable part of the wisdom tooth extraction process. However, there are several ways to alleviate pain and discomfort during the recovery period.

Medications: One effective way to manage pain after wisdom tooth extraction is through over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. 

Ice Packs Or Cold Compress: Another method for managing pain is by applying ice packs or cold compresses to your cheeks for 20 minutes at a time. This can help reduce swelling and numb any painful areas around your jaw.

Rinsing With Salt Water: Additionally, rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can also be helpful in reducing pain and promoting healing. Saltwater helps cleanse the area while reducing inflammation.

Peppermint Tea Bags: If you prefer more natural remedies, you may try using clove oil or peppermint tea bags directly on the affected area for relief from discomfort.

Getting Proper Sleep: Also, it is important that you rest properly after teeth extraction. You can choose suitable, soft and comfortable mattresses with bedding suggestions from Sleep Guides to rest after a heavy procedure like teeth extraction.

Sleep Guide Blog For Sleep: Learn More

If you’ve recently had a tooth extraction, getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging. The pain and discomfort from the procedure can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Our blog provides detailed suggestions on mattresses specifically designed for post-tooth extraction patients. From memory foam to adjustable beds, we have carefully researched and analyzed various options to help alleviate any pressure points or sensitivity around the affected area while providing optimal support for your body during sleep. In addition, we provide tips on how to elevate your head and use pillows effectively for proper recovery after an extraction procedure. By following our sleep guide blog recommendations, you’ll wake up feeling well-rested and refreshed as you recover from your dental surgery.

How To Sleep With Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom tooth extraction can be a painful experience, and sleeping after tooth extraction is essential for proper healing. However, sleeping with wisdom tooth pain can be challenging. Here are some tips that may help you get a good night’s sleep after your wisdom teeth have been removed.

Prop Up Head: It is recommended to prop up your head while sleeping. By elevating your head, you can reduce bleeding and swelling in the area around the extracted tooth. Try using an extra pillow or two to prop yourself up comfortably.

No Chewing Gums: Avoid chewing gum or eating hard foods before bedtime as they could cause discomfort when lying down; instead stick with soft foods like soups or smoothies.

Pain Medicines: Consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). But make sure not to exceed recommended dosages without consulting with your dentist first.

Lastly but most importantly- follow all instructions from your dentist carefully regarding medications and care post-procedure so that you’ll have maximum comfort throughout the recovery period which will lead to restful nights sleep!

When To Call The Dentist After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

After a wisdom tooth extraction, it’s essential to closely monitor your recovery process. While some discomfort and swelling are normal, there are certain signs that may indicate complications.

Pain: If you experience severe bleeding or persistent pain that doesn’t improve with medication, contact your dentist immediately. Additionally, if you develop a fever or notice pus oozing from the surgical site, this could be an indication of infection.

Unusual Symptoms: It’s also important to watch out for any unusual symptoms in the days following surgery. These can include difficulty breathing or swallowing, numbness in your lips or tongue, or persistent hiccups.

The first few days after the extraction are crucial for healing. You should avoid any strenuous activity and rest as much as possible. It’s also recommended that you take some time off work or school to allow your body to heal properly.

During this period of recovery, you may experience some discomfort and swelling in the affected area. To alleviate these symptoms, your dentist may recommend using an ice pack on your cheek and taking over-the-counter pain medication.

As you begin to feel better, you can gradually start reintroducing solid foods into your diet. However, be sure to stick with soft foods at first and avoid anything too hot or spicy.

It’s important to attend all follow-up appointments with your dentist during the recovery process. They will monitor your progress and ensure that there are no complications such as infection or dry socket.

Patience is key when recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction. By following proper post-operative care instructions and allowing yourself enough time for rest and recuperation, you’ll be back on track in no time!


A wisdom tooth extraction can be a painful and uncomfortable experience. But by following the right steps for pain relief and ensuring that you are getting enough restful sleep, you can make your recovery period as comfortable and manageable as possible.

Remember to take any prescribed medications on schedule, apply ice packs as needed, maintain good oral hygiene practices, and avoid anything that could disrupt the blood clot in the extraction site.

With patience and care during your recovery process, you will soon be back to enjoying all of your favorite foods again. And with a little extra attention paid to getting quality sleep each night, you’ll find yourself feeling better than ever before in no time.

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