IBPS PO Mock Test Free Series
IBPS PO 2019 Notification Complete Details Here.Get IBPS PO Mock Test Free Series 2019 Check here.

IBPS is yet to release the notification for the recruitment of probationary officers for 2019. The scheduled dates for preliminary exam are 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th of October 2019. The tentative date for main exam is 30th November 2019.
IBPS PO 2019 Recruitment- Selection Process:
IBPS PO recruitment process will happen in 3 stages.
- Preliminary exam
- Main exam
- Final Interview
Shortlisted candidates from prelims exam will be called for main exam. Then the candidates who clear the main exam will attend the final interview. Provisional allotment order is offered for the candidates after interview result. Candidates who have applied for the exam can start prepare with the help of IBPS PO mock test series prepared by our experts.
Importance of IBPS PO Mock Test:
- Our experts have prepared numerous questions by analysing various factors such as high competition level, changing pattern & syllabus, last year toughness level, etc,.
- Practising continuously with our IBPS PO mock test you can gain hope to solve any new pattern of questions.
- Rigorous practice with our IBPS PO mock test series will increase your speed and accuracy considerably. Hence automatically your attempts and score will go high.
- Practising with our IBPS PO mock test will give you the real feel of attending the test in the exam centre. By giving more trials you can completely wipe off your exam time nervous feel.
- By practising exams with time set, you can get idea of selecting questions in smart way.
- Practising with our IBPS PO mock test will upgrade your reasoning skills and you can get the ability to approach any higher level puzzles in easy way and solve it in a minimum time period.
- You will get the detailed answer key after completing the exam in our IBPS PO mock test. This will help you to analyse your errors and correct it.
So candidates kindly make use of IBPS PO mock test series available at our site any time.
Details of IBPS PO Mock Test – Prelims:
Exams in our IBPS PO mock test links will be conducted in online. Prelims is the initial stage and we have arranged the test according to the guidelines of IBPS.
- Exam will be conducted in online mode.
- Questions will be available in English & Hindi languages.
- Prelims exam will have 3 sections namely quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability and English language.
- Quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability sections will have 35questions each. English language section will have 30 questions.
- Each section will have separate timing of 20 minutes each.
- 25 mark is deducted for every wrong answer.
So candidates use our IBPS PO Free Mock Test and get to the success soon.