Nasa Commercial Crew Program Children’s Calendar Art Contest

Commercial Crew 2023 Artwork Contest

Worldwide kids, teachers, and parents take note! Once again, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program (CCP) is sponsoring its annual art competition to encourage young explorers of the stars to become interested in the thrill of space travel.

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Children between the ages of 4 and 12 can now contribute artwork in four space-related themes through October 27, 2022. Three age groups will be utilised to choose the winning artwork for each theme, and the first, second, and third-place picks will be combined to make an incredible calendar for 2023!

The Commercial Crew Program at NASA is pleased to present the 2023 Children’s International Artwork Contest as it investigates the mysteries of the universe for the benefit of all.

Children ages 4 to 12 from all over the world are invited to contribute artwork in space-related categories like Astronauts, Rockets and Spacecraft, Exploring the Solar System, and Living and Working in Space from now until October 27, 2022. First-, second-, and third-place winning entries will be chosen from three different age groups and used to produce an extraordinary calendar that will also include extracurricular educational materials to help kids learn more about the space-related subjects.

For additional information on the topics, guidelines, submission requirements, and deadlines for the Commercial Crew 2023 Artwork Contest, visit the contest’s website. There is no limit to the number of works of art that can be submitted, however each entry must be uploaded separately. Also, take sure to attach your artwork to the appropriate theme.

Commercial Crew 2023 Artwork Contest


There are four overarching themes for this year’s competition:

  • Rockets and Spacecraft
  • Living and Working in Space
  • Exploring the Solar System
  • Astronauts

Age Groups:

First, second, and third place winners for each theme will be selected in each of these age groups:

  • 4-6
  • 7-9
  • 10-12


Create Your Artwork & Submit by Oct. 27, 2022!

*NASA does not endorse non-Federal entities or services.

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