Remove Diseases By Drinking This Detox And Do They Work?

Remove Diseases By Drinking This Detox And Do They Work?

Whether it is to lose weight or glowing skin, it is very important for both to detox the body.

Due to the lack of sweating in winter, the anti-oxidant elements in our body increase more than summer, so they must be detoxed to your body through good food.

Also Read:- 3 Foods That Help Reduce Bones and Joints Pains


Amla – 50 grams

Ginger juice – 20 grams

Lemon – 1

Honey or pure good old – 2 tsp

Black Pepper – 1/2 tsp

Water – 1 glass

How To Make 

Remove 250 grams of gooseberry seeds and blend it well in a blender with water.

After that filter this juice with the help of a sieve.

After filtering, add ginger juice, lemon and black pepper and mix it well.

Then mix honey or pure good old at the time of drinking.

The right time to drink a drink

If you drink this detox drink in the morning, you get many benefits.


Your skin and hair are beneficial.

To improve digestion and protect the body from diseases, very few problems related to colds and colds have to be faced.

Helps to make your immune system strong.

Helps to keep away from problems like cold and cold.

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