February 22, 2025

TAT – What does TAT stand for?

What Is meaning of TAT

What is the meaning of TAT here are the exact meaning of TAT.  New tat meaning: that’s privileged info, but it’s an important sentence that has given me strength recently.

Also Read: –ASMR Meaning and What It’s All About!

Acronym Definition
TAT Tourism Authority of Thailand
TAT Tattoo
TAT Think About That (band)
TAT Time After Time (song)
TAT Tapas Acupressure Technique
TAT Thematic Apperception Test
TAT Turn Around Time
TAT Talent Acquisition Team (various organizations)
TAT Thermal Analysis Tool (Intel)
TAT The Astonishing Tribe (Sweden)
TAT Transcontinental Air Transport (airline)
TAT Toshiba Authorized Technician
TAT Text Attribute Table
TAT Tyrosine Aminotransferase
TAT Threat Assessment Team (various schools)
TAT Tiffani-Amber Thiessen
TAT Type Approval Test (various companies)
TAT Tired All the Time (medical shorthand)
TAT Three Affiliated Tribes
TAT Technical Assistance Team
TAT Trans-America Trail (off-road jeep/motorcyce trail)
TAT Tetanus Antitoxin
TAT Transient Accommodations Tax
TAT Testing and Training (SW Development and QA Testing)
TAT Thrombin-Antithrombin Complex
TAT Transactivator of Transcription (HIV protein)
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAT Trans-Atlantic Telephone cable
TAT Take Action Tour (music)
TAT Theoretical Arrival Time
TAT Touraine Air Transport (airline)
TAT To Accompany Troops
TAT Ti Amo Tanto (Italian: I love you a lot)
TAT Technical Acceptance Test
TAT Transitional Automated Ticket (airlines)
TAT Transport Aérien Transrégional (French: Regional Air Transport)
TAT Tatry/Poprad, Slovakia – Tatry/Poprad (Airport Code)
TAT Tactical Analysis Team
TAT Technical Area Task (US government contracts)
TAT Technical Assessment Team
TAT Total Action Time
TAT Termination Attempt Trigger
TAT Télévision Analogique Terrestre (French: Analogue Terrestrial Television)
TAT Trading Arrangement Table
TAT Torpedo Attack Teacher (US Navy)
TAT Truth and Transmission (Foundation)
TAT Technology Applications Team
TAT Terrorist Action Team
TAT Test Auto Test
TAT Tyumen Avia Trans
TAT Tactical Airsoft Team
TAT Totally Antisymmetric Tensor
TAT Two-Axis Tracking
TAT Transgenic Arthropod Team
TAT Teens Against Television
TAT Totally Awesome Trip (slang)
TAT Tactical Airlift Technology
TAT Test Analysis Table
TAT Timed Automata with Tasks
TAT Time for Average Turnaround
TAT Teenage Travelers (Family Motor Coach Association)
TAT Transportation and Ammunition Tracking
TAT Thermally-Activated Time-Dependent (reliability model)
TAT Turbine Air Temperature
TAT Teledramatic Arts and Technologies (California State University, Monterey Bay)
TAT Technical Assistance in Telecom Sector (India)

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