Titanic Sinking Facts & HISTORY

story of titanic

Article Source History;- More than 1,500 passengers and crew perished when the luxurious British liner Titanic crashed in the early hours of April 15, 1912, after colliding with an iceberg.

During her maiden voyage, the luxurious liner RMS Titanic sideswiped an iceberg and sank early on April 15, 1912, off the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic. More than 1,500 people died in the catastrophe out of the 2,240 passengers and personnel on board. Numerous books, articles, and movies have been influenced by Titanic, including the 1997 film “Titanic,” which starred Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. The narrative of the ship has become well-known as a cautionary tale about the dangers of human hubris.

Also Read:- Titanic A History Behind The Ship

The RMS Titanic’s Construction

In the first half of the 20th century, there was fierce competition among competing shipping lines, which led to the creation of the Titanic. The White Star Line in particular found itself in a steamer dominance competition with Cunard, a venerable British company with two distinctive ships that were among the most opulent and sophisticated of their day.

The Mauretania of Cunard set a record for the quickest average speed for a transatlantic voyage when it entered service in 1907 (23.69 knots, or 27.26 mph), and it kept that record for 22 years.

The same year Lusitania was launched and hailed for its magnificent interiors, Cunard’s other masterpiece. On May 7, 1915, a German U-boat torpedo sank the Lusitania, killing approximately 1,200 of the 1,959 passengers and crew. This horrific event prompted the United States to enter World War I.

Did you realize? First-class passengers aboard the Titanic had a roughly 44% higher chance of surviving than other passengers.

The construction of three huge ships was discussed by J. Bruce Ismay, chief executive of White Star, and William J. Pirrie, chairman of the shipbuilding firm Harland & Wolff, in the same year that Cunard unveiled her two magnificent liners. Each ship would be the largest of its day, measuring 882 feet in length and 92.5 feet at their widest point as members of a new “Olympic” class of liners.

The second of these three ocean liners, Titanic, saw construction start in March 1909 at the enormous Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland, and proceed nonstop for two years.

On May 31, 1911, Belfast’s enormous Titanic hull—at the time, the largest movable man-made object in the world—moved down the slipways and into the River Lagan. The launching, which took a little under a minute and went off without a hitch, was attended by more than 100,000 people.

The ship’s hull was promptly hauled to a massive fitting-out dock where tens of thousands of workers would spend the most of the following year erecting the ship’s decks, opulent interiors, and 29 enormous boilers that would power her two primary steam engines.

The fatal flaws of the “unsinkable” Titanic

Some theories contend that Titanic’s design, which was hailed by many as cutting edge, doomed the ship from the start. The Olympic-class ships included 15 watertight bulkhead compartments with electronic watertight doors that could be opened individually or simultaneously by a switch on the bridge, as well as a double bottom.

Because of these watertight bulkheads, Shipbuilder magazine declared the Olympic liners to be “practically unsinkable” in a special edition devoted to them.

The individual bulkheads were watertight, but the walls separating them only reached a few feet above the water line, making it possible for water to seep from one compartment into another, especially if the ship started to list or pitch forward. This design flaw was a major contributing factor in the Titanic’s sinking.

The Titanic carried too few lifeboats, which was the second major safety oversight that led to the loss of so many people. Only 1,178 passengers could fit in 16 boats, plus four Engelhardt “collapsibles.” Up to 2,435 passengers could board Titanic, and with a crew of about 900, she could accommodate more than 3,300 people.

As a result, only one-third of the passengers could fit in the lifeboats even when they were fully occupied during an emergency evacuation. The number of lifeboats provided by the Titanic actually met the needs of the British Board of Trade, despite being utterly insufficient by today’s standards.

Passengers on the Titanic

When Titanic left Southampton, England, on its inaugural voyage on April 10, 1912, it caused quite a stir. The ship set sail for New York with 2,240 passengers and crew—or “souls,” as they were formerly referred as in the maritime business, generally in connection with a sinking—on board after making stops at Cherbourg, France, and Queenstown (now known as Cobh), Ireland.

Many of these people were high-ranking officials, wealthy industrialists, dignitaries, and celebrities, as befitting the first transatlantic voyage of the world’s most famous ship. J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star Line, came first, followed by Thomas Andrews, the shipbuilder from Harland and Wolff.

J.P. Morgan, a financier who controlled the White Star Line through the International Mercantile Marine shipping trust and who had appointed Ismay as a corporate officer, was not present. Morgan had intended to board the Titanic with his friends, but he abruptly decided against it due to some work-related issues.

John Jacob Astor IV, the heir to the Astor family fortune, was the richest passenger. A year earlier, he made headlines when he wed Madeleine Talmadge Force, then 18 years old, just after divorcing his first wife.

Isidor Straus, the elderly owner of Macy’s, and his wife Ida were among the notable passengers, as were industrialist Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress, valet, and chauffeur, as well as widow and heiress Margaret “Molly” Brown, who earned the moniker “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” by keeping things calm and orderly while the lifeboats were being loaded and lifting the spirits of her fellow survivors.

Along with academics, tourists, journalists, and other passengers who would typically enjoy a level of care and facilities comparable to First Class on most other ships, the personnel tending to this group of First Class luminaries were primarily traveling Second Class.

However, Third Class had by far the most passengers—more than 700—than the other two classes combined. Some had only paid $20 or less to cross. For shipping companies like White Star, Third Class was the main source of earnings. Titanic was built to provide these passengers with accommodations and services that were superior to those offered in Third Class on any other ship at the time.

Titanic Sets Sail

There were a few strange things about Titanic’s April 10 voyage from Southampton. In one of her bunkers, a minor coal fire was found—an frightening but regular occurrence on steamships of the day. To get to the source of the fire, the stovers shoveled the flaming coal away and hosed it down.

The stokers were instructed to continue putting out the fire at sea after the captain and chief engineer determined that it was unlikely to have caused any damage that may have compromised the hull structure.

A theory advanced by a small number of Titanic specialists claims that the crew attempted a full-speed crossing once the fire grew unmanageable after the ship departed Southampton; traveling so quickly, they were unable to escape the fateful impact with the iceberg.

The moment the Titanic departed from the Southampton port was another unpleasant occurrence. She nearly avoided colliding with the S.S. New York of the America Line as she took off. Some superstitious Titanic enthusiasts claim that this is the worst possible omen for a ship setting sail on its maiden voyage.

The Titanic Strikes an Iceberg

After four days of smooth sailing, on April 14, Titanic began to receive sporadic reports of ice from other ships, despite the fact that she was traveling in calm waters and under a clear, moonless sky.

An iceberg was spotted dead ahead at around 11:30 p.m. by a lookout, who subsequently sounded the warning bell and called the bridge. When the engines were suddenly reversed and the ship was turned rapidly, Titanic appeared to skim along the side of the berg rather than collide with it directly, scattering ice chunks over the forward deck.

The lookouts were happy to learn there would be no collision. They were completely unaware of the iceberg’s sharp underwater spur, which sliced a 300-foot gash in the ship’s hull below the waterline.

The bow of the doomed ship was dramatically tilted downward, allowing seawater to spill from one bulkhead into the adjacent compartment, and five compartments had already started to fill with seawater by the time the captain and Thomas Andrews from Harland & Wolff inspected the damaged region.

After making a fast calculation, Andrews predicted that Titanic could float for at least an hour and a half. The skipper then gave the order for the lifeboats to be loaded after telling his wireless operator to ask for assistance.

Lifeboats of the Titanic

The first lifeboat was lowered a little more than an hour after the ship made contact with the iceberg, signaling the start of a mostly disjointed and unplanned evacuation. Only 28 passengers were on board the 65-person capacity vessel when it departed.

Tragically, this was to become the standard: In the turmoil and panic in the crucial minutes before Titanic sank to the bottom of the ocean, practically every lifeboat would launch pitifully under-filled, some with just a few passengers.

Women and children boarded the boats first in accordance with maritime regulations; men were only allowed to embark after no women or children were present. However, many of the victims were actually women and children as a result of chaotic processes that first failed to transfer them to the boats.

Overcoming Andrews’ prediction, Titanic tenaciously maintained its buoyancy for nearly three hours. During those moments, both exceptional bravery and craven cowardice were displayed.

Between the command to equip the lifeboats and the ship’s last dive, hundreds of human tragedies occurred: Families were split up by the chaos, men waved off their wives and kids, and kindhearted people gave up their seats so that loved ones could stay together or a more vulnerable passenger could flee. In the end, 706 passengers made it through the Titanic’s sinking.

Titanic is lost.

The most famous passengers on the ship each reacted to the situation in a way that has contributed significantly to the Titanic legend. The managing director of White Star, Ismay, assisted in loading some of the boats and later climbed onto a collapsible while it was being brought down. Even though there were no women or children nearby when he abandoned ship, he would never get over the humiliation of surviving the catastrophe when so many others died.

Titanic’s main architect, Thomas Andrews, was last spotted in the First Class smoking area, staring aimlessly at a wall-mounted painting of a ship. Astor put his pregnant wife Madeleine in a lifeboat and requested if he might go with her. When he was refused admission, he was only able to kiss her goodbye before the boat was lowered away.

Isidor Straus denied any special treatment, even though he was granted a seat due to his advanced age, and his wife Ida refused to leave her husband behind. The couple went to sleep in their cabin and died there.

We are dressed in our best and are set to walk down like gentlemen, Benjamin Guggenheim famously stated as he and his servant returned to their rooms and changed into formal evening attire.

Molly Brown assisted in loading the boats before being compelled to board one of the last ones to depart. She begged the crew to look for survivors, but they refused out of concern that they would be overrun by people trying to flee the frigid waters.

On April 15, 1912, at around 2:20 a.m., Titanic eventually sank beneath the water, nearly perpendicular and with several of her lights still on. Cunard’s Carpathia collected all of the lifeboats throughout the morning after hearing Titanic’s distress call at midnight and steaming at full speed while skirting ice floes all night. Only 705 of them had survived.

Effects of the Titanic Disaster

The Titanic’s sinking was thoroughly investigated by at least five different boards of inquiry on both sides of the Atlantic, who questioned dozens of witnesses and sought the advice of numerous nautical specialists. Investigations were conducted on every imaginable topic, including the ship’s construction and the behavior of the commanders and crew. There were numerous Titanic conspiracy theories.

The ship’s steel plates were thought to be too brittle for the near-freezing Atlantic waters, the impact popped rivets, the expansion joints failed, and other theories have been put forth over the years. While it has always been assumed that the ship sank as a result of the gash that caused the bulkhead compartments to flood, other theories have emerged over the years.

Leaving aside the technological components of the disaster, the sinking of the Titanic has acquired a deeper, almost legendary significance in popular culture. Many people see the disaster as a morality tale about the perils of human hubris since the builders of the Titanic thought they had constructed an unstoppable ship that was immune to the forces of nature.

The electric effect Titanic’s sinking had on the public when she was lost can be attributed to the same overconfidence. There was widespread skepticism that the ship could not have sunk, and false information abounded as a result of the era’s slow and unreliable communication methods. Newspapers at first claimed that everyone on board had survived the ship’s collision with an iceberg and that it was being brought back to port.

Even after precise descriptions were publicly available, people still found it difficult to believe that this shining example of contemporary technology could capsize on her maiden trip, taking more than 1,500 lives with her.

The narrative of the Titanic has been paralleled to that of the Challenger space shuttle accident in 1986 by maritime historian John Maxtone-Graham. In that scenario, the idea that one of the most complex inventions ever made could blow up into oblivion with its crew caused the entire globe to tremble. Both catastrophes caused a quick decline in trust, showing that despite our conceit and faith in the perfection of technology, we are nonetheless prone to human fallibility and error.