February 8, 2025

Top Do’s And Don’ts For Your First Folk Music Festival

Folk music

Virtually, you can do endless things in folk music festivals. With upcoming FreshGrass Bentonville, AR on April 24-25, 2020 it is time to plan out holiday spending. Perhaps it is your first time to music festival. Believe it or not! Attending your first festival will leave you with some of most amazing memories of your lifetime. You will be spontaneously involved in singing, dancing and volunteer work. Also, you will be staying in camps and meeting loveliest people from all corners of planet. While it is fun, do prepare to watch some weird things, awkward moments and moments of “I wish I knew it earlier”. Although, settling for all characteristics of folk music is not everyone’s cups of tea. But here are few tips and tricks that can make things lot easier when attending your first music festival. 

Folk Music Song


Stop Worrying and Enjoy Modern Folk Music

There is old folk music and modern folk music, you can enjoy both categories in music festivals. Most of worry comes when it comes to spending, many people coming to music festivals spend lot of money on unimportant areas or to buy ‘must-have’ gears. Remember music festival is not at all about compliment on outfits. Sure, you are expected to wear decent clothes but that it, you don’t need to stick to any dressing sense or make any fashion statement. 

In American Folk Music festival people don’t praise outfits, and you will rarely find anyone showing-off. You are not there to show-off but to enjoy musical experience like everyone else. Music festivals especially where folk music instruments are placed expect scenes to be calm, composed and cool. The best way to make sure that you enjoy folk music festivals is to go in with right attitude and comfortable clothing. Focus of people, culture and music. 

American folk music


When planning for festival including stay, food, and travel there are few essential tips to follow: – 

  1. Timing: First thing first, timing is everything. You can take advantage of early bird booking and get your electronic tickets. 
  2. Space: Next, getting ticket is one thing but finding right space to enjoy festival is a whole next level. You can also go for RV booking and get slot of your RV. 
  3. Budget: Needless to mention, budget planning is key to successfully enjoy musical festival. It is easy go off-track on spending when it comes to attending your first music festival. So, make sure to pro-actively plan for you budget and keep track of your spending. 
  4. Operations:  Festivalgoers need information like food, water, camp space, and, etc. Consider this an operation to be performed first when reaching festival venue. 
  5. Equipment’s: There is few types of equipment that you can carry alongside your camera, for example, tripod, extra batteries, waterproof cover, solar-powered charger, etc. 
  6. Security: One essential thing to keep in mind is security. Make sure to take care of your belongings during festival. 

Folk Music Notebook


That’s all basic-stuff, here is list of tips to make your first visit legendary: –

  1. Make Friends: As much as 9 out of 10 people camping next to you will same cool people you will meet during American folk music festival. You can befriend people next to your camp and establish sense of community. Plus, it will help you in case of any emergency. 
  2. Placement Of Tent: As discussed earlier, placement of your tent is everything. Make sure to place your tent first and then moving-on with exploring. It is highly recommended to camp close to music space. 
  3. Prepare For Bad Weather: Although, it is rare but essential practice. It is better to be prepared for any type of weather. 
  4. Keep It Clean: One of biggest disappointment of music festivals is trash, many people through their trash on ground which can quickly ruin whole scenery. For best practice keep your nearby area clean and try to throw everything in bin. 
  5. Stand-Out: You can make your campsite to stand out with decorations. 
  6. Research Line-Up: Nowadays you can find complete line-up for folk music bands online. It is important as it will help you to keep up with shows.
  7. Sleep Tight: Attending festival can be very tiring, so make sure to sleep deeply. You will require all your energy during next day even as well. Carry your comfortable blanket, neck pillow and inflatable air mattresses of deeper rest. 
  8. Phone Powerbank:  It is highly suggested to carry along phone Powerbank or solar-powered charger. Embrace this fact that your phone will probably die during festival. There is no need to panic about photo opportunities and besides, sometimes it can be liberating not to have your phone. 
  9. Camp First, Explore Second: As discussed earlier it is essential to place your camp first and then explore. Once festival is over then you can come straight to your camp and rest rather than facing any hassle of placing your tent when you are out of energy. 
  10. Setup Meeting: Lastly, losing your group of friends is common during festival. So, setting aside time to plan out meeting spot might come handy. 
  11. Navigating Through Crowd:  It can be overwhelming to be amongst plethora of new people, and it will be intimidating. Therefore, it essential to learn how to navigate through crazy crown-like pros. 
  12. Make It Social: You can put bit of extra effort and make your living camp bit more social. You can set up things to encourage interactions. 
  13. Food Vendors: Keep track of your favourite food vendor, sometimes reach out to your favourite food can change your current mood. 
  14. Carry Your Belonging To Camp: Use wagons, or some sort of cart while entering and exciting festival. 
  15. Be Tactical With Bathroom Breaks: You will be needing to go bathroom during festival. Make sure to have strategically placed, so that you won’t miss out on your favorite band. 

Folk Music in History

Wrapping Up 

Keep comfort and safety as your top priorities during complete festival. Attending music festivals for first time will bring to you a plethora of experiences. It is also advised to not to carry high heels or heavy boots unless you have your RV Slot. Lastly, don’t mess with security. 

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