Uba Loan Code- How To Fill Online & Apply

Uba Loan Code

Uba Account Number


The age of digital banking has made financial transactions, including loan applications, incredibly seamless and user-friendly. United Bank for Africa (UBA), one of Africa’s leading financial institutions, has embraced this transformation wholeheartedly. Among its array of digital offerings is the UBA loan service, which can be accessed with a simple USSD code. This ensures that customers can access loans virtually anytime and anywhere, without the traditional hassles of paperwork or bank visits. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of using the UBA loan code, filling in the online application, and securing a loan.

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Understanding the UBA Loan Code System:

UBA’s loan code system is designed for convenience. By dialing a specific USSD code, customers can initiate the loan application process right from their mobile phones. This service is available 24/7, making it possible for users to request loans outside of regular banking hours.

Steps to Apply for a UBA Loan Using the Loan Code:

  1. Dial the UBA Loan USSD Code: Initiate the process by dialing the designated USSD code from the mobile number linked to your UBA account. As of my last update in September 2021, you would need to check UBA’s official website or contact their customer service for the current loan USSD code.
  2. Select the Loan Option: After dialing the code, a menu will appear on your screen. From the options, select ‘Loans.’
  3. Enter Your Details: You will be prompted to enter specific details, which may include your account number and the loan amount you wish to apply for. This ensures that the system retrieves the right account details and understands your loan requirements.
  4. Choose Loan Type: UBA offers various loan types, from personal loans to salary advances. Based on your eligibility and need, select the appropriate loan type.
  5. Review and Confirm: Before finalizing the application, you’ll be presented with the loan terms, including interest rates and repayment duration. Review these details carefully. If they are agreeable, confirm to proceed.
  6. Receive Instant Feedback: One of the benefits of the USSD loan application is the immediate feedback. Once your application is processed, which takes just a few seconds, you’ll receive an SMS notification regarding your loan approval status.
  7. Loan Disbursement: If approved, the loan amount will be credited to your UBA account almost instantly.

Applying Online:

For those who prefer online interfaces, UBA also offers loan applications through its website and mobile app:

  1. Visit the UBA Website/App: Navigate to the loans section.
  2. Fill the Application Form: Provide all the necessary details, including personal information, employment details, and loan requirements.
  3. Upload Necessary Documents: Depending on the loan type, you might need to upload documents like salary slips or proof of employment.
  4. Submit and Wait: Once submitted, the bank will review your application and, if all criteria are met, approve the loan.


The UBA loan code system epitomizes the convenience of modern banking. It’s a testament to how financial institutions are leveraging technology to offer customers instant, hassle-free services. Whether you’re faced with an emergency or see an investment opportunity, UBA’s quick loan system ensures you have the financial backing when you need it. With just a few taps on your phone, you can navigate your financial challenges, making the service a valuable tool in the digital age. Always remember to borrow responsibly and ensure you’re aware of the terms before accepting any loan.

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