February 21, 2025

Top 20 Cyber Security Stats You Should Know About in 2023


Cybersecurity is one of the most important issues facing businesses today, and it’s going to become even more critical in the coming years. Do take a cyber security certification course and get well-versed in the field of cyber security. Be part of the ever-growing change and booming field. These security courses can help us stay up-to-date with all the latest developments in cyber security. 

Here are 20 statistics that will help you understand how your company can stay ahead of cybercriminals:

Top 20 Statistics You Need to Know

  1.     In the past ten years, cyber security incidents have increased by 500%.
  2.     The average cost of a successful cyber attack is $1 million.
  3.    90% of cyber-attacks are caused by employee error or negligence (which could be your company’s downfall).
  4. Cyber-attacks cost US businesses $1 trillion annually in downtime and remediation costs. This number is expected to rise in 2023 as more sophisticated attacks are launched on businesses across all industries.
  5. There’s a greater chance that a cyber-attack will compromise your organization than being hit by another natural disaster (floods/earthquakes), terrorist attack or pandemic illness within the next year*.
  6. Most of the time, people aren’t even aware that they’re being attacked until it’s too late. 
  7. The average cost of a successful cyber attack is $1 million—and that doesn’t include the downtime costs associated with IT repair and recovery. 
  8. By 2021, the cost of cybercrime and ransomware damages is expected to reach 6 trillion dollars worldwide, according to a study by the Cybercrime Magazine.
  9. In a study titled Ransomware 2020: Attack Trends Affecting Organizations Worldwide, Manufacturing companies are targeted by nearly 25% of ransomware attacks, followed by professional services and government by 17 and 13 percent, respectively.
  10. The number of threats related to cybersecurity is on the rise, according to nearly 68 percent of business leaders.
  11. A security breach is typically detected 207 days after it occurs, according to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020.
  12. It costs $133,500 on average for ransomware to infect a machine.
  13. Globally, 88 percent of businesses were targeted by phishing attacks in 2019.
  14. Malware constituted 17 percent of data breaches in 2020, phishing accounted for 22 percent, and hacking accounted for 45 percent.
  15. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a greater vulnerability to cybercrime among adults, with 44% feeling more vulnerable.
  16. A 300% increase in cyberattacks has been reported by the FBI since COVID-19.
  17. FBI has received 19,369 complaints regarding business email compromises or email account compromises in 2020, with an increasing number related to identity theft and cryptocurrency conversions.
  18. The number of consumers who fell victim to scams in the last year was around one out of five. Approximately 4% of consumers selected a fraudulent link for tracing COVID-19 contacts, an additional 4% paid a fee in order to receive relief funds for COVID-19, and 3% paid for an illegitimate COVID-19 vaccination.

Top 8 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Future Threats

It’s not enough to just be aware of the threats and dangers in the digital world. You need to take action if you want to ensure your company’s security.  On that note, be sure to take a cyber security certification course and get well-versed in the field of cyber security. Here are some steps you can take right now:

  •         Keep all software up-to-date, including browsers (Chrome and Firefox), operating systems (Windows 10) and apps (Spotify).
  •   Use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to generate strong passwords for every site you log into, as well as store them securely so they can’t be easily stolen or guessed when hackers break into your accounts.
  •       Use two-factor authentication wherever possible by setting up an authenticator app on your phone which generates a code every 30 seconds that changes each time, so even if someone gets hold of your password, they won’t be able to gain access without it.

Top 6 Trends in Cyber Security

In the past, it was necessary to invest in hardware and software that would allow you to secure your data. But now, there are many different ways to do so. Information security is becoming more complex as new technologies emerge and become more widely used, such as cloud computing and SaaS (Software as a Service).

Because of the growing popularity of these technologies, AI (artificial intelligence) has gained significant traction in cyber security. Artificial intelligence can help automate tasks that previously required human intervention or intervention from an expert-level technician.

Top 4 Ways Businesses Win in Cyber Security

  • Look at the bigger picture

It is important to look at what you’re doing right and where you could improve. After all, no organization is perfect, and there are always areas that need work.

  • Focus on your employees

Employees are the key to cyber security success because they have access to sensitive data as well as the power to disclose information online without the approval or knowledge of upper management.

  • Get the right tools

Tools such as firewalls, antivirus software, and other solutions can help protect against common threats like malware and ransomware attacks. 

Top 2 Things to Watch for in Next Year’s Attacks

The top two things to watch for in next year’s attacks are:

  • Social engineering. People can be fooled by some people all the time and by all the people some of the time when some people fool them. But it’s very difficult to fool all of them all the time. With a simple click or link, cybercriminals are able to trick users into installing malware that steals information from their computers or phones—and you may never know it happened until it’s too late.
  • Cloud computing and IoT devices are becoming more commonplace in homes and businesses worldwide, creating new attack surfaces for hackers to exploit with access-related attacks such as password guessing and credential stuffing attacks (i.e., using stolen credentials from one site to try logging into other sites).


The cyber security landscape is changing daily, so there will always be new threats and vulnerabilities to deal with. Companies need to stay up-to-date on these trends so they can properly protect themselves from outside attacks. Take a cyber security certification course and get well-versed in cyber security. Be part of the ever-growing change and booming field. Ensure the safety of others on the internet with practical experience and become a top expert in no time.


Q1. What are current trending topics in cybersecurity?

Ans. Despite the threats we face, there are more ways to protect ourselves with our photographs, financial transactions, and emails. Cybersecurity trends in 2023 may be dominated by mobile phone viruses and malware that may capture consumers’ attention.

Q2. Where will cyber security be in 10 years? 

Ans. With the aid of computer security algorithms, we will be able to develop specific bots within the next ten years, which we can use to produce data. In addition to hunting for threats, they will also be taking action against “bad” bots. 

Q3. What is the future of cybersecurity? 

Ans. There is an estimated 60% chance that by 2025, organizations will be using cybersecurity risk as one of the primary factors in making decisions regarding third-party transactions and contracts. A single security service edge platform will be used by 80% of enterprises to access the web, cloud, and private applications by 2025.


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